Valentine’s Day is upon us again.

Oh, that post Christmas/New Year’s time of year when we celebrate the beauty and magic of

love and channel those feelings into a smoldering energy that fuels our fanciful thoughts of time

with our special someone and the warmer days that the approaching spring holds for all of us.

Yes, the signs are all there. Red roses. Candy hearts. Cupid. Teddy bears and chocolate truffles. You don’t need access to a calendar to know exactly what time of year it is. But this Valentine’s Day, there’s something else to consider as we prepare for our candle lit dinners and romantic celebrations.

His name is Tom Petrone, and his touching ballad “If I Said I Love You” is fast becoming the quintessential Valentine’s Day love song.

“If I Said I Love You,” is a catchy, melodic ballad that chronicles one man’s struggle with opening up his heart to the one he loves. In classic Petrone fashion, the song takes listeners on a memorable emotional journey, fueled by evocative melodies, silky vocals crisp, vivid images and a seductive whisper of jazz guitar, courtesy of Sean Gillen.

And, once again, the subject about which Petrone sings possesses universal appeal, especially this time of year.

“At some point in time, in every relationship, one person has to take a chance and be the first to say those three little words,” Petrone mused. “And of course, there is always a small part of the person taking that chance that wonders how those words will be received by his or her partner.”

Petrone’s newest pop jazz creation captures all of the drama of that moment, while avoiding
all the common creative trappings of similar ballads. Choosing to frame the emotionally
tenuous subject matter with unbridled energy and optimism rather than the typical maudlin, gloomy dejection more commonly used, Petrone distinguishes this musical interlude from others that attempt to tackle the same issue.

So continue making preparations for Valentine’s Day but this year, be sure to save some room for this very special talent and a song that will change the way you look at love forever.

“If I Said I Love You,” is available on all major platforms. For more information about Tom Petrone and his entire catalog of songs, please visit

Jason Mitchell